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Doctor exposes Nigerian men, says they bribe doctors to stitch their wives vagina after birth



A Nigerian doctor has exposed a detestable act supposedly committed by some Nigerian men.

He said men bribe doctors to stitch their wives vaginas a little tighter after childbirth for their own selfish interest. He went on to caution such men.


He tweeted: “P.S.A. Dear men; Please stop calling the doctor for a one-a-side to beg or offer to bribe him to stitch up your wife’s vajayjay a lirru tighter after delivery so it can be tight enough for you to enjoy sex again. Issa scum behaviour plis. Signed: management.”


Another doctor, Henry Njeakor commented, “I dont even uh understand this. Just portrays so much selfishness. Men can really be scum. Wife is in pains of episiotomy but na mekwe dey ur mind. Amadioha knock ur head there…..Esp the ok mes that wont completely pay the hosp bills oooo.Scummanders!!”



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