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Boko Haram murders another Nigerian Lieutenant Colonel



Yesterday, a senior Nigerian soldier was killed by the Boko Haram, reports Premium Times. B.U. Umar, a lieutenant colonel and commanding officer of 114 TF battalion of the Nigerian Army was ambushed alongside his troops on Monday morning between Bita and Piridang. ADVERTISING inRead invented by Teads “His vehicle stepped on an improvised explosive device, but he was not hurt,” a source disclosed.
“He came out to assess the damage on the vehicle and Boko Haram opened fire and killed him in the process.” The soldiers were said to be on their way to Yola in Adamawa State from Bita in Borno State when the incident occurred, sources said. The full casualty from the attack is not yet clear. Mr. Umar, who recently took over the command of the 114 battalion about three weeks ago, was a member of the 48 Regular Course in the Nigeria Defence Academy, NDA. When contacted, the Army spokesperson, Sani Usman, said he was unaware of Mr. Umar’s death.
He said he would seek further confirmation from appropriate authorities. The killing of Mr. Umar occurs about a week after another Lieutenant Colonel, Muhammed Abu-Ali, and his troops were killed in another ambush by Boko Haram. Fourteen Boko Haram insurgents and four other soldiers died in that attack, the army said. The attacks by the Boko Haram have continued despite ongoing negotiation with the federal government. The negotiations already led to the release of 21 of the over 200 Chibok girls kidnapped by the sect in 2014.

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