The Awesome Magic Of Giving Gifts In A Relationship

Everybody loves gifts! Who doesn’t? The love is a notch higher with ladies; they want gifts on every occasion. Dates are important to them; they never forget, and as a guy, you must not! Forget to get a lady a gift on the ‘anniversary of the day you first noticed her’ and you are in trouble. A lot of guys can be verbally reserved about gifts, but they deeply appreciate gifts when they get. There is something magical about giving gifts in a relationship, and we are about to break it all down to you!
Do you know that giving gifts is a very important part of human interaction? It helps to define relationships and strengthen bonds with family and friends.
Psychologists say it is often the giver, rather than the recipient, who reaps the biggest psychological gains from a gift. Men who are the most generous are recorded to have had the most success with women. Women who give often are known to be great relationship managers and home makers.
Giving gifts in a relationship is often the most obvious way a partner can show interest, strengthen a bond or even signal that a relationship should end; yes you read that right. Some relationships have ended based on the kind of meaning attached to the gifts presented.
Gifts carry a lot meaning. Who you have on your gift list is telling you who is important in your life. The heart you apply in choosing your gift also tells how important they are to you.
In all, there’s a lot of pleasure in giving. it brings you this satisfaction; knowing you’ve taken care of someone.
There are various kinds of relationships ranging from business to romantic relationships. This piece will focus more on the romantic side, but will also mention a thing or two about what you stand to gain from giving gifts in a relationship that is business based.
The type of gifts often exchanged in relationships are known as love gifts. Although love gifts aren’t the only things essential to building a relationship, they sure do help express your love and feelings at times when words tend to fall short.
1. Gifts can initiate relationships, and also help to sustain the energy between two lovers.
A lot of relationships have begun and lasted because one person showed generosity consistently. Gifts have a way of winning hearts. And when you eventually do, keeping up with that habit will ensure there is sustained positive energy to fuel the relationship.
2. Giving gifts in a relationship helps to prove to your partner you have been thinking about them.
When you give your partner a gift that is greatly appreciated, it means a lot to them that you have been thinking about them. The type of gift and how it is given will leave a powerful impression on them. And that creates more romantic feelings and demonstrates your thoughtful side. This is golden!
3. Giving gifts in a relationship promotes positive excitement.
Buying gifts for boyfriend, for example, makes him feel that he is contributing his best to your relationship and it will make him try harder towards making your relationship sweeter! How about that for some positive excitement?
4. Gifting can also help bring back the spark in your relationship.
Every relationship passes through a gloomy phase at one point or the other; but with a gift, you can navigate through this phase in a very short time! A small gift item accompanied by a well written love note addressing the issue of importance during this strenuous time will be one of the best gifts for your partner.
5. Gifts help to surprise your partner and make them cherish you.
If you are a man gifting his girlfriend, make it a point to remember all the small first moments you two have shared as a couple and gift her on those days! As a woman, you must learn strategic moments to surprise your man with a lovely gift. This would give both of you a lot of memories to cherish for a long time.
6. Gifts help you forge a bond with your partner.
Gifts carry a lot of memories, and these memories helps forge great bonds between partners. When you receive a gift from someone, you are very likely to be endeared to them. That’s what happens when two lovers exchange gifts too. The bond you’ll create will be difficult to break.
Are you willing to give gifts but never quite sure how to go about doing that or what power it wields, look at these few tips we have.
1. Win your lover over on special anniversaries by dropping a gift. They will never forget you, and chances of reciprocation is quite high. You’ll never know when you need a gift, and when that time comes, you might be reaping in many folds.
2. Use gifts to settle small rifts. Buy small gifts in bulk, wrap them carefully and keep them somewhere. On days you are having little quarrels, pop out one of those small gifts to get him/her smiling again. It works like magic.
3. Use it to increase your PR. By PR here, we mean Perception and Reputation! When you are seen as a generous guy or lady, you’ll surely be hard to replace!!!
4. Use gifts to gain access to networks and favours. This is not exclusive to romantic relationships, but it is key. When you meet people who can add value to you, do not hold back gifts from them. Do a calculated research about them and send them a lovely gift you know they will appreciate. It will open you up to their network, and make you get whatever it is you want from them. The same trick can work on your lover. You need them to give you something, you might as well soften their resolve with a gift in advance. winks
A simple conversation with your partner about gifting is quite important. It helps you know their thoughts about giving and gifting. You might find that the person you are with doesn’t believe in gift giving. That way, you both can agree on what’s best for you as individuals and as a couple. But not knowing at all could potentially break your relationship.
Part of the questions to ask in such conversations are;
1. Are material items important to this person?
2. Is there an alternative to a gift that this person might appreciate even more?
It’s very possible your partner rather appreciates your time than all the gifts you can think of giving them. With such people, you have little or nothing to worry about. A simple evening walk, chilling at home or movie watching at the cinema could be all they want from you.
If you and your partner are on the same page, giving gifts in a relationship becomes quite a necessity. A lot of times, people want to give gifts but aren’t sure what kind of gifts to give. Many other times, they just somehow manage to forget. Here, we want to help you take all of that away. Read below.
1. Keep a schedule.
Write down all the moments you think your partner deserves a gift and put them in your calendar. With the latest gadgets in town these days, you can input all of these dates in your calendar and get notified a few days ahead, so you can begin to plan.
2. Discuss it with your partner.
If you aren’t sure about what gifts to get your partner, you can systematically bring up a discussion with them to figure out what they would really appreciate at that moment. It often works when you try to find out.
3. Save small money weekly or monthly.
For some people, the problem is not in the idea, it is in the finance. You may not need to be financially constrained to get a gift for you partner if you try to save ahead for expenses like that. Doesn’t have to be heavy savings. A few quids here and there can do the magic.
4. Kill any and every excuse not to get one.
Financial constraints aside, some people just can’t run out of other excuses not to get gifts for their partners. If this is you, then you have work to do. Start by removing your mind from every form of excuses that may want to come up in your head. Once that is sorted, you’d be motivated to get a gift.
5. Check out for creative gift stores like Hibara or others around.
Talking about struggling with gift ideas, let me introduce you to Hibara Stores, an online African inspired fashion accessories for women, men and kids. Their products are handmade mostly from African prints fabrics, leather, feather, Ankara, beads and wood. Hibara handmade items such as bracelets,earrings,necklaces bags, scarves, hair bow, bowtie, head wraps etc are uniquely crafted to show the beauty of African fabrics. They also offer unique designs that showcase West African, particularly Igbo culture.