Apply! Thorlabs Engineering Scholarship Programme

Thorlabs is a global optical technologies company with expertise in the design and manufacture of an extensive array of innovative photonics products for manufacturing and research, from fibre optics to piezo motors, with a presence in almost every optics laboratory worldwide. Founded in the US in 1989, Thorlabs has expanded across the world; now with 15 facilities in 10 countries.
Thorlabs UK, on the outskirts of Cambridge, engineers a wide range of products, including optomechanical components, vibration isolation systems and motion control devices. Investment and involvement in the latest technologies, the constant pursuit of quality, and exciting growth and development make this a perfect environment for those passionate about engineering.Thorlabs are delighted to offer an Engineering Scholarship Programme through our UK Engineering Department. This opportunity is open to undergraduate students in the UK who are studying towards a degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering, and is aimed towards students currently in their second or third year of study (third or fourth year in Scotland) looking for a scholarship for the final part of their degree.
Beginning with an 8 week summer placement, this role will expand your experience and advance your professional engineering career in a fast growing, multinational company.
£9,000 per year and 8 week placement
January 2018
Internship, work placement or project costs, Equipment and study costs, Living costs
Successful applicants to the Engineering Scholarship Programme will have:
-AAA/AAB at A Level in STEM subject areas.
-First year degree results of 2:1 or higher.
-Post-graduation employment commitment to Thorlabs. Minimum of 3 years for MEng and 2 years for BEng students.
-A passion for technology, excellent communication skills, the ambition to lead and the drive to achieve goals.
-As a part of the Engineering Scholarship Programme, Thorlabs will
Project Details
As a part of the Engineering Scholarship Programme, Thorlabs will:
-Pay you a scholarship of £9,000 in each of the remaining years of your undergraduate studies.
-Allocate you a mentor from our engineering team to be a point of contact during your studies and to support you as you commence and develop your Thorlabs career.
Provide 8 weeks of paid work experience each remaining summer of your degree.
-Guarantee a graduate-level job with us upon your graduation.
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