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Alagbara Ni O – Makolad Praise [Music + Video]



Alagbara Ni O – Makolad Praise [Music + Video]

Talented Nigerian Gospel artiste, Makolad Praise releases  his newest single titled — “Alagabra Ni O”.

Alagbara Ni O‘ is a worship expression and an enchantment delivered in the indigenous Youruba language to the Almighty God. “I could not compare no one  or anything to God”

Produced by Prism consortium media group, the song follows his previously released praise medley, “Praise Amour”. His latest effort, ‘Alagbara Ni O’ is also written and composed by him.

Makolad Praise is a recording artiste, praise and worship leader that is determined to soothe the souls of men through his music, and give praise to the Living God.

Download, listen and share your thoughts below!!!

