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8 times Blac Chyna imitated Kim Kardashian



kim ad chyna
Kim Kardashian made the cover of Paper before Blac Chyna


From copying her pregnancy styles to her hairstyles, it seems like soon-to-be Kardashian in-law, Blac Chyna is a little more than obsessed with her man’s famous big sister, Kim Kardashian, as she seems to be slowly morphing into her.

Check out these photos and see if you agree.


1. It started out when she made her ‘chymoji’, an obvious imitation of Kim’s ‘Kimoji’

Look familiar?
Look familiar?



2. She even did a pregnant series, just like Kim

Pregnant Kim and Chyna
Pregnant Kim and Chyna



3. Kim’s maternity look was typically a bodycon dress with a coat over it. Guess who was spotted out in the same style?

Showing them how it's done
Showing them how it’s done
Someone's kloning
Someone’s ‘kloning’



4. There was also the red carpet look




5. Remember when she posed nude for Paper magazine?

Guess who was there first?
Guess who was there first?



6. Flaunting her huge engagement ring

Before the robbery attack, Kim was always flaunting her huge ring
Before the robbery attack, Kim was always flaunting her huge ring
She needs to stop
She needs to stop



7. Starting a reality show

Copycat Chyna
Copycat Chyna

Can she be any more obvious?



8. She’s even beginning to look like her

Everyone knows Kim's go-to hairstyle is a centre part
Everyone knows Kim’s go-to hairstyle is a centre part

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