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10 Tiny Actions to Reveal Your Passion



Do you lack adventure and fun in your life? Do you feel stuck but have no idea how to get unstuck? A life passion is not something that appears from thin air. Discovering your passion is a process of self-discovery and detective work. It requires stripping yourself bare and examining the “real you.” This is the you without limiting beliefs, old wounds, ego-based pursuits, and fear.

Here are 15 small actions you can take to get started:


  1. Shift your thinking. If you believe that you are not great at something, or you don’t feel excited about anything and therefore have no passion, then release that notion. If you believe that you are too old, reject that falsehood.


  1. Become aware of joy. Get a small pocket notebook and keep it with you. Keep track of the times when you feel happy and fulfilled. What are you doing when you feel good? Write it down in your notebook. Pay attention to what feels good to you.


  1. Pinpoint the major drag. What’s causing you the most frustration? Isolate the primary cause and the elements of it that bring you down.


  1. What were your dreams? Write those down in your notebook. Dredge them up and reignite those dreams.


  1. Acknowledge your skills. Maybe you are not an expert at something, but you have many skills. You may not recognize them as skills, but others do. Ask your friends and family what you are good at, no matter how small. Make a list and make note of the skills you really enjoy.


  1. Try something new. Anything. Go for a weekend trip to a new location. Take a class on bird watching or painting or dancing. Strike up a conversation with someone you don’t know well. Shake up your life a bit. Peep out past your current existence. It will broaden your perspective.


  1. Unlock your past. If you have something holding you back, an old trauma or past anger, do something about it, or you will undermine your efforts at passionate living. You cannot live with passion when you have a hole in your heart. Go to a counselor or other helping professional and heal the past so you can create your future.


  1. Define your values. What is important to you? What values define you? Your passion must be centered around your primary values so that your life reflects who you are.


  1. Sketch out a vision. Who are you now? Where do you see yourself in five years? Start sketching a vision for yourself, as though you have no limitations on who you can be or what you can do.


  1. Keep trying. You may have to try a few and eliminate a few things before you discover what feels great. It may creep up on you rather than knocking you in the head. Have patience. Keep digging.



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