YSU Diploma (Yosu Resumption Date 2017/2018

This news is for the general public especially Diploma students
of Yobe State University (YOSU). Topnaija is pleased to inform
the Diploma students that the Consult Management of Yobe
State University (YSU) has approved 5th February 2018, as
resumption date for the commencement of 2017/2018
academic session.
See also : YSU Diploma Admission Form for 2017/2018 Session
Registration of returning students begins on the 6th and ends
on the 20th February, 2018. Students are advised to check
notice boards for registration guidelines and lectures Time-
Please do have a a fruitful stay in Yobe State University and
please take your studies serious We wish you best of luck in
life. And we pray for your success.