How To Write A Good Research Project Topic Proposal

A project topic proposal is an important part of writing your final year project. In most schools, you will be required to submit a project topic proposal to your supervisor before your topic gets approved. Knowing how to write a good project topic proposal will no doubt aid in getting your topic approved faster. The following sections should be included in your research project topic proposal.
Background of Study(Optional)
Statement of the Problem
Aims and Objective
Significance of the Study
Research Questions (Optional)
Research Hypothesis(Optional)
Scope of the Study
Definition of terms (Optional)
Background of the study
This is the foundation from which you got the idea to carry out the research. The background should talk about the history behind the context of the project work. For example, a topic such as “Design and implementation of online clearance system (case study of Imo State University)”, the background of the study should a brief history of the school.
The introduction section introduces the reader(which includes your supervisor) to a brief overview of the concepts, terms, and entities involved in the problem domain.
For example, if your topic is “Design and implementation of online clearance system”, the main entities would be the school, the students, and their final year clearance.
You can write about the clearance process in the university in general. The clearance procedures in the school should be discussed in a broad context and then narrowed to
the problems encountered during clearance.
Statement of the problems
This section is where you list out the problems identified in the current system. A brief introduction paragraph should be used to discuss the general problems encountered. Next, each problem should be outlined and explained.
Aims and Objective
The aims are what you hope to achieve at the end of your research. While the objectives are how you intend to achieve these aims. In a clear and concise manner, you
should state your aims and objectives.
Significance of the study
In this section, you should state how your work would solve the problem of your immediate environment and also contribute to the development of the society.
Research Questions
These are the questions your research will help to answer. Research questions usually include a main question and sub-questions (hypothesis).
Research Hypothesis
Here you state the hypothesis that would help to determine whether a prediction about the relationship between variables is correct.
Scope of the study
This section is where talk about the area your research would focus on. You can narrow your research topic by adding a theme, area, geographical, biological or historical context to the topic.
Definition of terms
This is where you list (alphabetically) and define terms that are not widely known outside your field of research. These defined terminologies will help your readers understand your research easily.
A research proposal in this format will no doubt aid in getting your project topic approved quickly