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How To Write eBooks That Make Fast Money Within Hours



To start with, let’s define the Essential Steps in the eBook writing Process.

Getting back to your eBook writing, you will need to follow some important guidelines in order to come up with a product that will be enticing, informative, and affordable to your target audience. Here are tips to help you get into the swing of developing the idea for your eBook, following through with the creation of the eBook, and getting everything in order, so you can effectively create and leverage the product.

Guide 1. It is important to always start your writing at the beginning. When it comes to eBook writing or any other aspect of writing for that matter, there is really no other place to get started than the beginning. Assuming that you have performed due diligence and settled on the subject matter for your eBook, it is time to get into the writing aspect of the product. For the purposes of information leverage, I will focus on the creation of Information marketing eBooks.

The thing to remember about Informational eBooks is that they have one main purpose or function. That function is to educate. For example, if you plan on creating eBook on benefits of herbal supplement, then you will want to make sure the subject matter of the E-books is accurate, timely, and relevant to any perceived problems. This will mean doing a great deal of research before you begin to write the first word.

You will want to explore the origins of the use of herbs in various healing processes. Find out what you can about the effectiveness of herbal remedies at various times and places. Locate research into the claims made for various herbs regarding the treatment of bodily ailments, and provide solid information that will indeed serves as solution to the readers. In short, before you can hope to educate anyone else, you will need to spend some time educating yourself first.

Guide 2. Once you have amassed sufficient knowledge and documentation to write effectively on the subject matter, you will need to begin the process of organizing your data. We’ve covered the process of organizing data for effective eBook writing several times in Elephant House (my training venue) Alausa.

Hopefully, your research will have provided you with plenty of information that can serve as the basis for your eBooks. Carefully divide your information into sub-categories, and organize the information in any
format that will make it easy for you to refer to.

Next, use the collected data as an outline of your eBook. This will help to lay the groundwork for your table of contents. The purpose of an outline it to help create a logical and cohesive flow to the information that is being presented in the document.

Just as with any type of book, you want the thought processes presented in the material to follow a sensible chain of presentation, with each section or chapter logically leading into the following section. Thinking through this process in advance, rather than arbitrarily creating a collection of disjointed sections, will mean a lot less editing work for you.

Keep in mind that the outline is a guide, not a sacred document that can never be changed. Treat it with respect, but do not revere the outline to the point that you refuse to change it in any way. Feel free to revise, improve, rewrite, and in general adapt the outline as you move forward with the project.

To keep the content fresh, make sure that even if you are presenting a point for the third time; keep the verbiage you use different from the other instances.This will help the flow of the document in two ways. First, it helps to reinforce key concepts when you present them in slightly different settings throughout the work.

Second, it provides the reader with the chance to evaluate the theme or concept in a different light each time that you bring up the point. If the first attempt to educate with the theme did not quite click with the reader, there is every chance that by the third attempt, a connection will have taken place.

Guide 3. When creating the text for the eBook it is important to apply a certain amount of self-discipline. Writing is work, and often happens to be hard work for that matter even for some of us who enjoys writing. If you are having a little trouble getting started, stop thinking about the five thousand words you are planning to write today.  Instead, focus on creating one good paragraph a day.

Once that is done, it will be a little easier to convince yourself to write just one more. In a short time, you will find that the entire page is filled and you just start getting some great ideas on how to expand on the subject matter for your eBook.

Once you have the first draft of the content for your E-book, set it aside for a day or two. This will allow you to refresh your mind and be able to go back and edit the draft with eyes that are fresh and capable of being balanced in the way you read the document. There is an excellent chance that you will find sections you want to rewrite slightly, or perhaps change a word here or there to make the section more cohesive or clear in its meaning.

By all means, feel free to do so. Just as the outline was not to be considered above reproach and change, your manuscript, though a work of art, is also subject to revision and improvement. Make one edit changes and put the manuscript away for another day or two. Then try a second round of edits.

You may find very little to correct the second time, which is a sound clue that you are almost through and just about ready to begin the formatting process. After the text for your eBook has gone through editing, the time has come to begin formatting the material from a manuscript into a workable eBook format.

Fortunately, there are plenty of excellent software packages that can take a basic word processing document and easily format it for use in an electronic book format. Most will allow you to set the page sizes, arrange major headings, create a Table of Contents, and then import the text of the manuscript into the program. Or you may use a simple formatting system.

You can also use the tools included with the software to create a cover, just as if you were publishing a hard copy of the eBook. In fact, that is the look and feel you want to set as your goal. The only difference between your electronic book and a real book should be that one is a collection of images on a screen, and the other is a tangible paper document.

Guide 4. Keep in mind that at the end of the process, you want to have a product that is high quality, and everything that you wanted it to be. If you are not proud of what you have created, it will make it much harder to interest anyone else that will purchase your eBook. Before you actually place the eBook for sale, you may want to provide one or two trusted individuals with an electronic copy, and get their feedback.

You are looking for not only comments about the text. You also want to get their impressions about the organization of the material, the effectiveness of any images or charts you chose to include in the information, and the general look of the eBook.

This will give you one last chance to make some changes in the eBook and increase the chances that people who actually buy the book will enjoy it and recommend it to their friends and acquaintances.

Other Techniques for Creating Informational eBooks

When it comes to eBook development there are some truly ground breaking techniques you may use to hasten up your informational eBooks writing. It’s been more than four years since I first decided to package the training system we were using then into eBook. At that time, my biggest concern was that it would take too much time and effort to package all the information I taught into eBook I could sell. Fortunately, the amount of effort was much less than I anticipated and that was before I knew what I know today.

So, how do you develop Informational materials in a matter of hours? My first eBook (GSM Business in Nigerria) took me six days to write, a 44 pages eBook. Since then I’ve been able put together many courses, reports, e-books, books, audio and video products and most have taken less than one week, thank to this techniques.

Five Techniques You Can Use to Generate Information Product Faster.

1. Keep it Simple – Ask yourself this question; if you discover what you really want in 20 pages isn’t that better than reading through 200 pages of fluff and junk? Some of the most successful, highest priced information product have been short special reports e-books that are crystal clear and straight to the point about the problem they solve and the system they use to solve it.

2. Use Public Domain Materials – While the use of public domain materials has been over blown in the last years, there is no doubt that public domain materials can provide excellent additions to your information products.

There are countless of eBooks on any subject you can think about which you could download, most of them even come with resell right. While some as giveaways. Giveaways are in some case a strong product in themselves. Check out these two sites to find public domain materials Remember, there is no permanent substitute to writing your own copyrighted eBooks.

3. Dictate Your eBook – Are you a natural talker? Many of us do express ourselves more naturally, effectively and quickly by talking to another person. If you are struggling with your information product and you feel it’s due to the lack of writing ability, then try talking it out. Have someone interview you.

Or simply answer a series of question you have prepared on the topic, you can either pay someone to transcribe the material or dictate into a text to voice conversion software such as Dragon Naturally Speaking. Key to successfully speaking your product is solid preparation in terms of having questions prepared as part of your info product out line.

4. Outsource – Your Information Product Writing – Another popular direction today is to use ghost-writers. You can entirely outsource the development of you information products, outsource small part or simply outsource the whole work or the editing functions- the choice is yours. I have often used the technique of outsourcing 50% and improving the material with my own research and experiences.

Case studies and interview with experts are also essential in making the product truly unique.

However, there are some basics you must understand about dealing with ghost-writers to secure your work and end up with a quality experience.

(a) Deal with only trusted writers from trusted sources

(b) Ensure your work is protected, free of infringement.

5. Use Bundle Article Method – Here is a rather unique technique that I don’t see many people using. Let’s say you decided to launch a niche site about dolls- you create 8-10 core pages of different types of doll and perhaps start by earning incomes using affiliate programs.

You may use free blogging platform like, set up a niche blog there, plan out the next 3-4 weeks blog posting into an organized outline such that you can bundle the posting into an information product. You will find that automatically you have the better part of your own completed e-book within one month with no extra work.

In every instance, you can turn an idea into your profit producing eBooks, information product and money making blog website at the same time within a matter of days. Now, go through these five strategies and choose the one that is most convenient to you.

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