Woman Threatens To tell The Whole World Her Love Interest Is Gay Because He Refused To Have Sex With Her

Woman Threatens To tell The Whole World Her Love Interest Is Gay Because He Refused To Have Sex With Her
What would someone not see on social media!
A certain man shared his chat with a woman who tried to persuade him to have sex with her.
Because he’s a decent person who doesn’t fornicate outside a relationship, he turned her down.
The woman got upset when he refused her advances and threatened to tell his mum and the entire world that he’s gay.
In the chat shared by Bright Baidu Maigari, the woman is seen asking him to come over and pressuring when he said he couldn’t make it. She then came out boldly to tell him she wanted to have sex with him. When he declined she immediately began to threaten him so he took screenshots to use in defending himself.
Read the chats below.