Why Pete Davidson Believes The World Is Against Him

American comedian and estranged fiance of American musician, Ariana Grande, Pete Davison believes not only internet trolls but the whole world is against him. He believes even his friends and colleagues do not care about him.
Close sources revealed to TMZ that Pete reached out to people in his life and at times lashed out, claiming they were ignoring him and his struggles, and they would not care if he ended his life.
According to TMZ, the SNL host reached out to those in his circle, including colleagues to ask for help, but at the same time he put up a wall and accused them of ignoring his pain.
Ariana Grande was also concerned after Pete posted what seemed like a suicide note saying he did not want to be on this earth anymore, but he reportedly turned her away and had security block her.
Pete Davison has earlier raised concerns about his safety after he deleted his Instagram account following an unsettling post that he didn’t “want to be on this earth anymore.” The Saturday Night Live host’s post came after ex-fiancée Ariana Grande weighed in on Kanye West’s recent tweets about Drake.
In a since-deleted tweet on Thursday night, Grande wrote, “Guys, I know there are grown men arguing online [right now], but Miley [Cyrus] and I [are] dropping our beautiful, new songs tonight, so if y’all could please just behave for like a few hours so the girls can shine that’d be so sick thank u.”
Kanye who wasn’t amused by Grande’s message the replied her on Twitter writing: “I know Ariana said this to be cool, and didn’t mean no harm, but I don’t like even slightest level of slight commentary from someone I know loves and respects me.” He added, “People will no longer take mental health for a joke.”
Kanye’s reply got Grande to retract her message as she tweeted “so sorry I told a dumb joke. I really didn’t mean any harm. all I want everyone to be healthy and happy. so desperately. please. my god.”
Following Grande and West’s tweet exchange, Davidson who also suffers from has mental health took to Instagram to write “Bravo Kanye West for standing up for yourself and speaking out against mental health. I can’t explain to you enough how difficult and scary it is to be honest about stuff like this. We need people like Kanye. No one should ever point fingers at you for your bravery in speaking about mental health. I’m seriously disgusted.”
Davidson continued, “I’m doing my best to stay here for you but I actually don’t know how much longer I can last. All I’ve ever tried to do was help people. Just remember I told you so.” He then went on to delete his Instagram account after writing, “I really don’t want to be on this earth anymore.”
Pitchfork, however, reports that Davidson has been accounted for, and his safety has been confirmed by the New York Police Department.