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Why men love food



Why men love foodamala eating

While courting, a lady jokingly asked her fiancé, do you like yam porridge? He said yes I do, but I like it best when it is garnished with liver, fish and crayfish. It should also be served with grilled chicken and fruit juice. Haba! Kilode!!!

My dear Sister, there are some things you should not hope to sort out with prayers if you marry an African man; one of those things is food. Economists say human beings are insatiable, but I say some men are senior insatiable species when it comes to food, no offense guys.

Fast food restaurants have been nice in meeting the needs of single men from ages past, but in this era of financial crunch N1500 – N2000 for a meal is not a symbol of niceness to the pockets of our brothers. Mama-Put understands this and has generously given our brothers the access to more food at a lower price. The adverse effect of Mama-Put’s intervention is that our men now know that concoction rice is not the same as Jollof rice. Men now know meat is better when served alongside shaki, ponmo and catfish. Hence, my dear sisters please don’t be deceived; your chocolate, ice cream and meat pie loving guy also knows what most Nigerian soups tastes like. He may be willing to smile at your indomie and plantain dish in the first three weeks of marriage but expect a protest after that.

One of the biggest jokes in marriage is when a woman asks her husband, honey what would you like to take and he says something light. A smart woman knows that something light for most men is not indomie, beverage or cereal, he is simply asking for something out of the usual things you give him.

Another good joke is when you have your little fights and you think it is a break from cooking. Lailai, you will hear him say something like, “where is my food”.  You will cook, he will eat it and then the fight continues.

I can perceive some women saying not all men like food. Yes, you are right. But, most of them do. So, take out the time to learn how to cook before you marry.

Written by certified relationship coach, Bosun Bankole, #RelationshipCheck is a weekly column published every Wednesday on For further questions or enquiries, please tweet @Bosun_Bankole or send an email to

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