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White House reacts to Trump’s impeachment, calling it an “unconstitutional travesty”



White House reacts to Trump's impeachment, calling it an “unconstitutional travesty”

The White House has described the impeachment of US President, Donald Trump as an “unconstitutional travesty”, hitting back at lawmakers for the “illegitimate articles of impeachment” and voicing confidence he would be acquitted in the Senate.

“Democrats have chosen to proceed on this partisan basis in spite of the fact that the President did absolutely nothing wrong,” spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham said in a statement, calling the votes in the House of Representatives an “unconstitutional travesty”.

Grisham said that there were no fact witnesses in the hearing and alleged bias by the Democrats.

“The President is confident the Senate will restore regular order, fairness, and due process, all of which were ignored in the House proceedings.

”He is prepared for the next steps and confident that he will be fully exonerated,” the statement said, referring to the upcoming trial in the upper chamber.

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