VIDEO: Think And Grow Rich | Isaac Oladipupo | #SuccessStories Ep4
Thinking has always characterized and will always characterize successful people. As a matter of fact, everything that exists today is a product of someone’s thoughts. Inventions are products of great thoughts.
You need to cultivate the habit of creative thinking. Only those who think get ideas, and only those with ideas rule the world.
I read a statement few years ago, I will never forget it. It read, “Make your brain work. It will sweat, but make it work. It will improve. It will develop, until you become the envy of others”. Until you task your brain, you can’t generate ideas. And until you generate valuable ideas, your success is not in view. It is the tasking of one’s brain that produces powerful ideas. You need to become a thorough thinker. Ideas that rule the world only come through thorough brainstorming.
One would have thought he was rude to his mum, but imagine what he produced with his ‘rudeness’. He has given us one of the best inventions in the world; Microsoft. “I am thinking, don’t you think?” That was Bill Gate’s response to his mum, one day she called him while he was busy meditating in his thinking room. How many of us have or intend to include such room (‘thinking room’) in our buildings? Thank God Bill Gate’s thinking room helps us communicate better today and has also made him a man to reckon with in the world! That is what thinking can do for you! From today, make it a habit to commune with yourself for yourself and by yourself.
How has meditation shaped your life? I’d love to hear from you in the comment section.