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Victor Boniface gifts struggling carpenter N1.5 million



Victor Boniface gifts struggling carpenter N1.5 million

An elderly carpenter, whose struggles at work were captured in a heartwarming viral video, has received a life-changing donation of N1.5 million from Nigerian footballer Victor Boniface.

The video, initially posted by a compassionate individual on social media, quickly garnered widespread attention and inspired many to offer support. The clip showed the elderly carpenter diligently working despite his evident hardships, prompting viewers to seek ways to improve his situation.

Among the numerous supporters was Victor Boniface, who reached out to the original poster of the video. Demonstrating remarkable generosity, Boniface donated a total of N2 million.

Of this amount, N1.5 million was allocated to the elderly carpenter to aid him in bettering his life, while N500,000 was given to the young man who shared the video, recognizing his role in bringing the carpenter’s plight to light.

This act of kindness has resonated deeply with the public, earning Victor Boniface widespread praise for his charitable contribution. His support not only highlights the power of social media in driving positive change but also underscores the impact of individual generosity in transforming lives.
