use these 7 ideas to meet your goals
- Start Small
Quite possibly the biggest mistake people make is pushing the accelerator too soon. Breaking down a big goal into smaller, easier-to-accomplish ones makes the seemingly impossible, possible. Lau-tzu once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” This is very true but in order to travel those thousand miles, you have to keep on walking every day. The more consistent your efforts, the sooner you will reach your destination..
- Get It On Paper
Whether setting your first goals or tracking daily progress with a journal, writing things down crystallizes your ideas, exposes underlying fears, and paints an accurate picture of real life.
- Focus On Everyday Habits
The building blocks of a healthy lifestyle are forged in the smallest of actions you take every day of every week. Build one habit, one action at a time.
- Be Consistent
Consistent action, no matter how small, has more power than you ever imagined. If you consistently make the right choices and build healthy habits, good success is literally just a matter of time.
- Never Stop Learning
A healthy lifestyle is a process, a journey more than a destination. You can always learn more about nutrition, fitness, and even yourself that can help you be just a little bit better tomorrow.
- Allow For Setbacks
Accept the fact right now that you will make mistakes, and that it can be a positive thing. We are usually harder on ourselves that we are on anyone else we know. Be your own fan. This implies being supportive when you stumble, and enjoying your wins when you succeed.
- Have Fun
Who says getting healthy has to be a chore, a burden to be endured or suffered through? This is an exciting adventure of self-discovery and building a meaningful life. Enjoy the ride.