How to Upgrade your Mac to high Sierra

Curious about the new features in High Sierra, but not sure how to actually update your operating system? Don’t worry: it’s easy.
Before you get started, make sure you’ve backed up your Mac with Time Machine. All of your files and applications should be exactly where you left them when you’re done updating, but it’s always a good idea to back up your computer before doing something major, just in case.
Done backing up? Good. Installing macOS High Sierra is as simple as heading to the High Sierra page on the Mac App Store. Click that link and the window should open.
Go ahead and click “Download.” This is a big file, over 5 gigabytes, so you’ll be waiting a little bit. When the download is done, the installer will launch.
Click the “Continue” arrow to get started. You’ll be asked about the Terms of Service, then the which hard drive you’d like to install to.
Eventually, you will be asked to restart your Mac; click the button to continue. You’ll be asked to close your current programs.
Your Mac will restart—on a recent Mac with a solid state drive, installation takes about a half hour, but your speed may vary. When the process is done, you can log into your Mac as usual: all of your applications and documents will be right where you left them.
To confirm which OS you’re using, click the Apple in the top-left corner, then click “About This Mac.”
If you see the words “High Sierra,” everything went smoothly and you should be up to date! Enjoy your new operating system.