UI Distance Learning (DLI) Admission Form 2017/2018 Released

Applications are hereby invited from qualified candidates for
admissions into the six available Degree Programmes of the
Distance Learning Centre, University of Ibadan for the 2017/18
Academic Session. Please note that UTME candidates who sat
for the UI post UTME are not eligible to apply.
Programmes Available for the UI Distance Learning
The programmes are run under the University’s Open and
Distance Learning (ODL) Platform. The programmes are:
i. B.A. English,
ii. B.A. Philosophy and Public Affairs,
iii. B.SC. Psychology,
iv. B.SC. Economics,
v. B.SC. Political Science and
vi. B.SW. Social Work.
About UI Distance Learning Programme
The University of Ibadan Distance Learning Centre (UIDLC) is
an arm of the University responsible for providing Open and
Distance Learning University Education. This mode of
education is technology-mediated and provides for minimum
physical interaction between the learners and the facilitators.
DLC learners are spread across different locations within and
outside the country because of the convenience of access
which is made available by this mode.
It is noteworthy to further inform prospective candidates that
the academic activities of UIDLC are facilitated by the same
lecturers as the regular mode of study. The issuance of the
same certificates as obtainable in the conventional university
system is also assured. This is technically referred to as
PARITY OF ESTEEM- both categories have equal rights and
At the moment, the Centre has six academic programmes
which are fully accredited by the National University
Commission (NUC). The Centre is assiduously working
towards having four new programmes and five revalidated
programmes. This would be in addition to the existing six
programmes. These new programmes include:
a. Nursing,
b. Computer Science,
c. Sociology
d. History and Diplomatic Studies.
While the old programmes which revalidation are being sought
a. Guidance and Counselling,
b. Educational Management
c. Library Information and Archival Studies
d. Adult Education, and
e. Statistics.
Admission Requirement for UI Distance Learning Programme
Click here to view the admission requirement for UI Distance
Learning center
Cost of the UI Distance Learning Application Form
The cost for the University of Ibadan Distance Learning
Application form for 2017/2018 session is Ten Thousand Five
Hundred Naira (N10,500).
Closing Date for the UI Distance Learning Application Form
The deadline for purchasing the admission form have not yet
been announced. But we are advice you purchase the form as
soon as you can.
How to Apply for the UI Distance Learning Application Form
If you’re a new applicant, then click here and fill out the form.
the proceed with the registration steps.