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Udo Okonjo: The Future Belongs To The Excellent



The starting point of any successful person or business is a burning desire to achieve a higher standard than what’s ordinarily prevalent.

Excellence is a standard we should all strive to attain as professionals, entrepreneurs and leaders. Your life doesn’t have to reflect the negativity or the standards of the environment, company, community or country you live operate in if it’s substandard. Excellence is a lifestyle. It is an habit. It is not what you do today, it’s what you do tomorrow and everyday.



Excellence is a journey; nobody becomes excellent in one day. It is a decision to set a standard for your life and commit to following through that decision diligently and with unwavering determination.

The following are ten fundamental principles of achieving excellence in all areas of life and business which I shared recently with my team of Champions at Fine and Country WA as part of our leadership series.


E stands for EXPECTATION. What separates successful people from unsuccessful people is their expectation for themselves. You can’t be excellent if you do not have a clear expectation of the Heights you want to attain out of your life or work. You must have a clearly expressed vision and a strong WHY? Knowing that you were born for greatness should be enough motivation. You were not created to shrink. You are here to DAZZLE!
X stands for XTRA MILE. For you to be excellent, you have to go the extra mile. It is all about being a class act. Be excellent in all you do. Do more than you’re paid to do, and you will end up getting paid more than you do.
“Don’t let your small business make you small minded”
– Udo Okonjo


C stands for CREATIVITY. You’ve to ignite the power of creativity if you want to be excellent. Become the person who says YES when an opportunity comes. Creativity is about thinking outside the box. Creativity is about saying yes to opportunities and going to invest in figuring out how to make it happen. It’s about asking questions. Never taking “that’s how we have always done it” as a valid answer to stagnation.
“If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!”

– Richard Brandson


Figuring it out could mean reading a book, joining a network of trailblazers or getting a coach. Don’t be stuck in stagnant mode. Get creative.


E stands for ENTHUSIASM. For you to be excellent in life or business, you have to be enthusiastic. Use life words not dead boring words- I am awesome is better than saying I’m ok or I’m fine. How about – I’m Phenomenal! Listen, enthusiasm rocks! When you know you’re called to greatness, you will live life in enthusiastic mode. Enthusiasm attracts attention and favour. I’ve found this to be true in my business. Another way to be enthusiastic is to always count your blessings. Get a Victory Log or a Gratitude Journal and document your small and big wins weekly or as often as you’d like. It shows you that you are making progress and helps lift your spirit.


L stands for LANGUAGE. One of the ways to be excellent is to always use the right language. Be impeccable in your communication. Be intentional in all you do. Your, language presentation and posture are part of your brand and say a lot about you. First impressions matter. Don’t use text language, informal lingo when doing business or communicating with mentors or clients.


L stands for LOOK OUT FOR OPPORTUNITIES.  Always be in a heightened state of expectation, looking out for new opportunities, while staying focused on your big vision. Look out for new relationships, new networks to join that challenge you to do better. Look for ways to add value to your clients and employers or employees of you are a business owner. Don’t be tunnel visioned. At the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take in life.


E stands for EMBRACE CHANGE. When change happens, do not resist, rather adapt change. If change doesn’t happen, go out there and make it happen. Mediocre people resist change, want the comfort of the familiar, and are afraid of the future. The only thing you are guaranteed of in life is constant change. You resist it because you are not equipped, not willing to adapt. You resist technology. You resist social media. You resist the young people who know better than you. You will end up extinct. Your business will disappear unless you embrace change. Uber is an example- why look for black cabs or yellow taxis when you have Uber? What change do you need to embrace in your life or business? You don’t like joining communities? The future is in communities, tribes? People with a shared interests and passions will move mountains in today’s world. Start watching trends, master them and better still, create the trend. Be the change and let others follow. That’s the real deal and pathway to excellence.


N  NEVER EVER GIVE UP. Never give up on what you do. It is only average people who quit. Failure only becomes a failure when you stop. The world is waiting for your greatness. Why in the world would you think of quitting? Read my lips- Never, Never, Never, Never, Never, Ever Quit? Why would you? Reach out to someone if you feel like quitting. I will pray with you and strategize with you. There’s always a way out. It’s my life mission to make sure you don’t quit on your greatness.


C stands for CONFIDENCE. This is one thing that distinguishes real leaders. When you develop competence in your life, you become confident. Don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t afraid to allow yourself shine. Never cower. Confidence doesn’t mean you are perfect, it means you understand that you can be better and are capable and willing to do what it takes to be, do and have better without requiring anyone’s permission. The starting point is understanding your strengths and weaknesses and nurturing them in line with your most dominant expectation.


And lastly, E stands EMPOWER. There is no excellence until you start teaching, imparting, giving and sharing. Excellence comes when you start using your gift to make the world a better place. When you hear, learn, when you learn, share. When you share, do it graciously. Infuse the world with your passion daily. Don’t wait until you’ve arrived. Start today with your immediate circle of influence.

Finally, I want to let you in on a secret that I know with every fibre of my being; here it is:

“The future belongs to the ‘EXCELLENT’ those who are willing to stand out from the mediocre majority.”
Will you be part of this kingdom of Champions?

To your success. Keep on moving.
Udo Okonjo


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