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“Two-third Of Over 3000 Inmates of Kirikiri Prison Are Awaiting Trial” – Ebuka Obi-Uchendu shares Details Of His Boxing Day Visit To Prison



Media personality Ebuka Obi-Uchendu spent his December 26th in Kirikiri Prison with inmates. And the experience, he has described as surreal. Ebuka shared the story on his Twitter.

He saw the inmates serve mass, sing in the choir, and he listened to them share their stories.

He added that there were too many unfortunate tales; two-thirds of the 3000 inmates still awaiting trial.

He wrote:

Spent Boxing Day in church at Kirikiri Prison and it was quite a surreal experience seeing inmates serve mass, sing in the choir and share their stories. Way too many unfortunate tales… For some context, two-thirds of the over 3000 inmates are awaiting trial.

Anyways, was super proud to see my elder brother @otunba_ugo receive an award for the good work he continues to do for almost a decade now with inmates in Kirikiri. Hopefully one day, the justice system will also do better.

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