TTSWG Launches IMC To Groom Nigerian Tech Talent

The Telecommunication and Technology Sustainability Working Group (TTSWG) has launched the Innovation Makers’ Challenge(IMC), a pivotal initiative aimed at fostering innovation among young talents in Nigeria’s technology and telecommunications sectors.
The IMC features a talent discovery competition, an intensive boot camp, and culminates in a high-profile exhibition and conference, scheduled for Thursday, 9th November 2023 in Victoria Island, Lagos.Under the arrangement, young innovators aged between 18 – 35 are privileged to participate in the Innovators Challenge by showcasing their original technology-driven ideas and products. To participate in the challenge and supercharge your journey in technology innovation, the organisers urged people to visit, adding that, submission should include a 90-second video pitch of his or her innovation, as well as response to the accompanying questions, even as entries are open from September 11th – October 16th, 2023.
From the entries received, 20 finalists will be invited to participate in the Innovators Boot Camp, where they will get guidance, mentorship, and feedback from experts with a proven track record in the technology and telecommunications industry to improve their ideas.
Afterward, the outstanding participants will have the chance to pitch their ideas to a panel of judges at the Innovators Conference for a cash prize of N2million N1million and N500,000 for the winner, first runner-up, and second runner-up respectively