How I Made My First Million As A Blogger – Sisi Yemmie

There are bloggers and there are star bloggers. Yemisi Odusanya, popularly known as Sisi Yemmie isn’t your regular daily gossip blogger. She’s got some of the most authentic, original and creative contents on the World Wide Web which has won her a special place as one Africa’s most sought-after Food and Lifestyle bloggers. In this interview, witty Sisi Yemmie opens up to TopNaija’s Isaac Oladipupo on starting small, making her first million, becoming a brand ambassador and much more. Be inspired!
In your own words, give a brief introduction to who Sisi Yemmie is?
Sisi Yemmie (Yemisi Sophie Odusanya) is a wife and mom, content creator, blogger, social media strategist, online influencer and editor of Cosmopolitan Nigeria. I studied Mass Communication at Igbinedion University Okada and I have an MA in International Diplomacy from the University of Birmingham. I also have a Diploma in Internal Communication from the PR Academy, London.
How did you start sisiyemmie.com and what were you doing before then?
I started Sisiyemmie.com in 2011, April 2, and my husband (then boyfriend) adviced me to look up what a blog was. At the time I was studying for my Masters degree at the University of Birmingham UK and I realized I had a lot of free time. I “googled” what a blog was, I opened the blog immediately and I haven’t looked back since!
For you, was there a feeling of any fear or hesitancy when you first started out?
Yes, I didn’t know if I had it in me and I was always scared of what people would say especially because the first comment ever on my blog was a non-constructive “hater” message. It made me hesitant to go on, however with much encouragement I pushed on and I’m glad I did.
What parts of blogging do you find most interesting?
It has to be everything really, but something that keeps my blood pumping is creating content! Whenever I get my idea (and my ideas jump at me anywhere) I get very excited and start scribbling a note on my phone as a reminder of the idea I just had. Content creation is fun. I also enjoy the process of everything coming together: for example, after filming a recipe I have to take great photos and when everything turns out right, I am very very happy! It excites me!
Beyond the popularity and money, how challenging is it to run a blog, especially in spite of the Nigerian situation?
It is challenging because a lot of people are still not aware of different blog niches, especially lifestyle blogging which is what I do. Entertainment seems to sell more, however I do my best to break that barrier with each post. Also, internet data is not cheap compared to other developed countries so that’s a challenge.
How would you measure the impact of your blog since starting out? What do you think it does for people?
My blog is a one-stop blog: I share recipes, I review restaurants (so you never have to eat bad food again), I write about relationships, motherhood and mostly topics that would interest the millennial Nigerian woman. My blog has grown in the past 6 years, especially in the past 2 years because I have put in more work and I’ve seen the results. The impact is immense and the rewards are many. I get countless emails from people all over the world telling me how much value my blog has added to their lives and that makes me feel very fulfilled. I think they get the vibe that I’m the girl next door.
Have there been moments when you felt like throwing in the towel, and how did you come out of them?
When I moved back to Nigeria I wasn’t quite sure what to do with my blog, I was only writing funny stories then and I realized I couldn’t sustain it for long, so I decided to rebrand, adding different sections as I go along. I did think of letting go then, however it was just for a second the thought flashed through my mind.
When and how did you make your first million as a blogger?
It was in 2014, I got an endorsement to be the Maggi Online Ambassador and it was such a huge deal for me! I share recipes but I didn’t think I had gotten to that level for an endorsement, it made me realize I was on the right path and there should be more of food in my future. Prior to making that first million I was earning peanuts and had been for about 4 years, but I had to “shine my eyes” and I am grateful for the people God placed in my life to bless me.
What marked the turning point for you as a blogger, in terms of traffic and income?
My endorsement with Maggi did, it was a turning point for me. Also when my husband and I won My Big Nigerian Wedding, I could not help but marvel at everything good that had come from blogging. It is also cool that I am a full time blogger and work from home – this is something I’ve read about, dreamed about but now I’m living it! 2015 was another turning point because that was when I made my transition to self-employment.
The day Sisi Yemmie became Maggi Ambassador
You also own run a thriving Youtube channel with good followership. How were you able to achieve this with family responsibilities?
I get a lot of support from my husband, brother, parents, friends! My circle is awesome. I wouldn’t be able to do all of this without them. I film my daily life and if they weren’t supportive I would not be able to do any of that.
How do you shoot your Youtube videos ?
I mostly film at home and it is tedious but I love it. I film and edit by myself and the whole process of shooting a video can take a whole day (filming + editing). When I vlog outdoors I use my phone sometimes and my brother /husband helps with the camera too when I’m busy.
Where do you get inspiration for your contents and how do your schedule them?
My inspiration comes from my life and what I see around me which is why I write about food, family, relationships, Lagos, motherhood etc.. I enjoy coming up with content and draw experiences from my life and people close to me. I recently put up a post on how to produce more breast milk if you’re a new mom and struggling to breastfeed, this kind of content I can only take from my experience.
In blogging, there’s the creative side and there’s the business side. Which is the most important, and how do you combine both?
They are equally important. I love the creative side, I’m not much of a business person which is why I struggle sometimes. You need both sides to balance out equally, you create content-you need the rewards so you need to make smart business decisions and strategize. I’m still working on my business side.
What do you think makes your blog uniquely different from others?
Originality. Once your content is unique you will stand out. I think this has been my major selling point. I do find that some Nigerian bloggers have a reputation for “copy and paste” blogging, but this happens when blogging is not your thing. It is hard to run out of ideas if you’re a content creator and blogging truly is what you are passionate about (not focusing on the money that can be made).
What’s the structure of your blog at the moment?
I have a one-woman structure at the moment so I’m still building.
Who has had the biggest impact on your career as a blogger and why?
My husband, he encouraged me to start blogging in the first place and he’s mostly there behind-the-scenes helping with the baby while I film +edit. My parents are also very supportive, especially financially and otherwise.
Tell us about the greatest lessons blogging has taught you.
Blogging has taught me that I have a voice. I grew up to be very timid even though I was not an introvert. I was always so scared to air my opinion, thankfully through my blog I got my voice back and I am a more self-confident person. I am who I am with airs.
What are your top blogging secrets and reasons why you have been successful as a blogger?
I have been very hard working, consistent and God has been gracious to me. I count it all as favour-because these ideas come from God. You can work hard and get no recognition or reward for it and there are some people that achieve a lot with minimal effort, it cannot be explained.
How do you relax?
Relaxing is luxury especially as a new mum, however I do get moments of quiet when my baby is sleeping. I use that time to put my feet up and watch my favourite TV shows or just serf the internet.
By what time in the morning do you like to be at your desk?
At Noon! I mostly work half way through the night and get to sleep in most days. I work from home still and do most of my work myself-I get help from my hubby and family members so the burden is a bit reduced.
Who are your top two favourite Nigerian and international bloggers, and why?
I love Patricia bright – I love her quality and I can see through her how it is possible to be successful. I also love Bubz Beauty for her simplicity.
What are your thoughts on young Nigerian bloggers?
They are doing amazing things and I’m so happy to see the fashion and lifestyle bloggers coming up. It makes me proud.
What is your message to Africa’s aspiring bloggers and online entrepreneurs?
Keep doing your best, remember content is king and strategy is key! Everything good will come.
PhotoCredit: SisiYemmie