When it is about time to quit that job

Just how happy are you at your workplace? Is what you do for work make you jump out of bed every morning? Would you rather be doing something else? What are the warning signs that it is time to seriously consider leaving your current job and pursuing the next thing?

Here are five warning signals;

You feel physically, emotionally, or mentally exhausted all the time

Work can be taxing for everyone, and we all occasionally feel weary after a long day at the office, but if your life is a chronic state of stress and exhaustion because of your work, this is probably a warning sign.

You are not learning.

If your learning curve has flattened out or you are really not feeling challenged, this may signal a need to move on. You may not be learning something new every day on the job, but you should be improving upon your core skills and picking up new ones. You often have to take this into your own hands for instance  by asking to be involved in a new project, signing up for courses you’re interested in, or attending a relevant conference or seminar in your discipline. But if these possibilities don’t exist at your current job, it’s a sign that the company is not serious about investing in your career development.

You dread going to work.

Do you go to sleep every night dreading the next day of work? While it is normal to have qualms about the work day, if you truly, deeply dread those eight hours at the office, it is time to put in your one month notice.

The work environment is negative.

A negative environment is toxic if your co-workers are constantly complaining, and your boss is persistently unhappy, the probability of your own contentment is extremely low. Moreover, a pessimistic atmosphere can even kill the passion you have for your career choice. If you find yourself in one, it’s time to get out.

You have serious trust issues.

If you do not trust your boss or company because you believe they engage in unethical activities, or worse, expect you to partake, you know it’s time to go.

You should never feel pressured to comply with activities that could hurt your career.


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