The thin line between courage and stupidity

You ruin your life by making one big stupid decision or several small stupid decisions. A stupid decision, big or small, is something that harms your quality of life and your capacity to achieve your goals and dreams. If you want to live a successful life, you simply cannot afford a great number of stupid decisions. Stupid choices will only bring real misery into your life.


Ironically, people often confuse stupid decisions with courage. Usually because their ego is at stake or emotions are running too high. You want to prove yourself, you want to show that you are better but then things do not turn out as planned only once and you can destroy the quality of your life with one single move.


You do not want to lock yourself in a safe. But you also do not want to make stupid decisions. So make sure you don’t make any stupid, irrational decisions. None of these will bring you long-term happiness. Always think twice about the short and long-term impact that your decision will have on your life.


You want to be bold and courageous. You want to have your own goals. You want to have your own dreams and fight for them; fight for them with all of your heart and brain, fight vigorously for what you deserve in life. That takes courage but courage does not mean stupid decisions. Fear can be a good compass. Fear shows where you have to grow in life. Good fear is what prevents you from making a stupid decision. Bad fear only keeps you in an emotional cage. In the same way, you need experience in life. Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions. But bad decisions and validated learning are not the same as stupid decisions.



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