the thin line between being busy and being productive

Just as it is important to find a good work/life balance, it is also important to find a balance between being busy and productive. If there are tasks that keep you busy, but keep you from actually getting real work done, you should probably try to cut out those activities. You have to find a reasonable balance with your ability to do productive work. When someone asks you how things are going, and you say “busy”, you should probably take a step back and re-evaluate why you are so busy. You will be more productive if you do.
If you don’t set goals and priorities, you will be constantly busy and much less productive. Switch your focus from being busy to being productive, so that you can accomplish more, see tangible results, and have time for fun.
Don’t Aim for Busy, Aim For Productive
- Busy people want to look like they have a mission. Productive people have a mission for their lives.
Busy people hide their doubt about the destination of their lives by acting confident in their little steps. Productive people allow others to see the doubt in their little steps because they are clear on the destination.
- Busy people have many priorities. Productive people have few priorities
Nobody is ever too busy, if they care they will make time. Life is a question of priorities. Productive people have a few priorities and their mission is clearly defined and they put their energy on the few items that will bring them the biggest results.
- Busy people say yes quickly. Productive people say yes slowly
If you don’t say “no” to most things, you are diving your life up into millions of little pieces spread out amongst other people’s priorities. Integrity is that your values are clear and that your time is going to serve those values. Productive People say yes slowly. They don’t commit to anything that steers them away from their mission and goals.
- Busy people talk about how little time they have. Productive people make time for what is important
Any time we spend on excuses is time not spent on creation. If you allow yourself to practice excuses, you will get better and better at excuses. Productive people don’t use time as an excuse. An action either supports their highest values and mission, or it does not.
- Busy people multitask. Productive people focus
Busy People are always multi-tasking. Productive People don’t multi-task but focus on one course until completion.
- Busy people want other people to be busy. Productive people want others to be effective
Busy managers measure hours of activity, productive managers measure output. Busy managers are frustrated by others looking relaxed, looking like they have time, looking like they are enjoying their work. Productive managers love seeing others enjoy their work, love creating an environment in which others can excel. Busy people are frustrated. They want to be valued for their effort, not for their results. Productivity is about valuing the journey towards excellence, not any moment of activity.
- Busy people talk about how they will change. Productive people are making those changes.
Spend less time talking about what you will do and dedicate that time to creating the first step. What can you do with the resources, knowledge and support that you have now? Do just that. Stop talking and just begin.
Review the differences again. What do you think you can change today to be more productive? Share your thoughts in the comment section.