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“The spirit will be high” — Finidi George on facing Gernot Rohr



"The spirit will be high" -- Finidi George on facing Gernot Rohr

Nigeria is set to reunite with former Super Eagles coach, Gernot Rohr ahead of facing Benin Republic in the World Cup qualifiers, and it is going to be a huge tussle, according to Finidi George.

The Super Eagles head coach, Finidi George, has acknowledged that Rohr’s new side, the Squirrels of Benin Republic will approach Monday’s crucial match brimming with confidence following their morale-boosting 1-0 victory over Rwanda.

This victory marked Rwanda’s first win in the 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifying series, a result that has undoubtedly lifted the spirits of the Benin Republic team. The Super Eagles, however, are still in search of their first win after being held to three consecutive draws.

Finidi George expressed his awareness of the challenge that lies ahead at the Felix Houphouet Boigny Stadium in Abidjan as they reunite with Gernot Rohr, noting the high morale within the Benin camp.

“They just won their last match, and the morale is going to be very high in their team,” he said. “We know tomorrow is the match and we’ll see how we have to play. They won their last match, so the spirit will be high.”

The Super Eagles have had to make quick adjustments, traveling to Abidjan to ensure they can fit in a training session ahead of the match.

“It was a good thing. We got to the hotel and rested a bit. We have our session this evening,” Finidi added.
