Renowned indigenous singer, Tope Alabi, has graced her fans with an enchanting melody titled “Yes And Amen,” extracted from her remarkable 2018 album of the same...
Famous Nigerian Gospel song artist, Tope Alabi Released a New Single Titled “Ba Eleda Laja”, Which is a Powerful Song That Will Uplift Your Spirit. Available...
Tope Alabi – Unless You Bless Me MP3 DOWNLOAD AUDIO Tope Alabi drops off an overwhelming hit song dubbed “Unless You Bless Me.” Correspondingly, this extraordinary...
Nigerian gospel artist and minister, Sammie Okposo has been confirmed to minister at Evang. Tope Alabi’s concert, amidst infidelity crises. Sammie Okposo, who currently admitted...
Renowned Gospel song artiste, Tope Alabi Released a New Single Titled “Aso Mi a Funfun Lau”, Which is a Powerful Song That Will Uplift Your Spirit....
Gospel singer, Tope Alabi finally offers an unreserved apology to fellow gospel singer, Adeyinka Alaseyori for criticizing her gospel song, ‘Oniduro mi’. Tope Alabi, also known...
Widely loved Nigerian gospel Artist Adeyinka Alaseyori has broken her silence on the viral Tope Alabi’s criticism of hit song ‘Oniduro Mi ese o’. TopNaija...
Nigerian gospel songstress Evangelist Toluwalase Adelegan, has reacted to the strong comment from her colleague, Tope Alabi, condemning the song ‘Oniduro mi’. In a recent...
Famous Nigerian gospel singer Tope Alabi has come under intense fire after criticising her colleague Adeyinka Alaseyori over her popular hit song titled ‘Oniduro Mi eseun o’...
Gospel singers, Tope Alabi and Nathaniel Bassey have taken to social media to mourn Dare Adeboye, the third child of the General Overseer of the Redeemed...
On Saturday, November 7, popular Nigerian gospel singer, Tope Alabi has taken to social media to celebrate her daughter, Ayomiku Alabi following her graduation from Bowen...
Gospel singer Tosin Alao popularly known as Sir T releases his new Hit Single Titled “The Name Of Jesus (Oruko Jesu)” featuring Evangelist Tope Alabi. “This hit singles...
Widely celebrated Gospel music minister, Tope Alabi, has released her much awaited album 2018 titled Yes and Amen. The beautiful album consists of 12 singles including...
Nigerian gospel singer, Tope Alabi has revealed how strict her mother was with her while growing up, especially when she started going to movie locations. In...