Following the devastating petrol tanker explosion in Jigawa State that claimed over 100 lives, former presidential candidate Atiku Abubakar has issued a stern call for Nigeria...
An explosion from an overturned fuel tanker in Jigawa State has resulted in the deaths of at least 9o people, with approximately 50 others injured. Topnaija...
The Rivers State House of Representatives has extended its heartfelt sympathies to the victims of last week’s tragic tanker explosion on Eleme Road in Port Harcourt,...
There has been an explosion of a petrol-laden tanker at the Upper Iweka junction of Onitsha, Anambra State, on Friday morning. The tanker had broken down...
Over 50 Shops have been destroyed by a fuel tanker explosion at Lambatta in Gurara Local Government Area of Niger State, TopNaija reports. The incident...