The continuing drama involving Heidi Korth, the separated wife of Davido’s cousin Sina Rambo, has taken a new turn as she continues to uncover alleged secrets...
Heidi Korth, the estranged wife of popular rapper and son of Osun State governor, Adesina Adeleke, known as Sina Rambo, has come forward with allegations of...
Nigerian singer, Sina Rambo, has reportedly reconciled with his wife, Heidi Korth, months after she accused him of domestic violence and theft, leading to their separation....
Heidi Korth, the estranged wife of Sina Rambo has given proof of Osun State Governor, Adekola Adeleke’s son’s theft record. The estranged wife of Sina Rambo...
In yet another controversial online twist, the wife of Sina Rambo has decided to remove her husband’s name, ‘Adeleke’ from their daughter’s IG Page. Heidi Korth,...
Heidi Korth, wife of Nigerian rapper, Sina Adeleke Rambo has called him out over alleged domestic violence. Heidi Korth, in a video, claimed that Sina Adeleke...
Davido’s cousin, Sina Adeleke, popularly known as Sina Rambo welcomed a baby girl with his wife, Heidi on Monday. Filled with excitement, the Nigerian singer, Sina...
Nigerian singer, Sina Adeleke better known as Sina Rambo, and his wife, Korth, have announced the birth of their baby girl. Filled with excitement, the new...
HKN Music singer Sina Rambo returns with a new single titled Baba Sina Rambo in praise of his father, the famous “dancing senator“. The track features...