The Ogun State Police Command has initiated a vigorous manhunt to apprehend a suspected hit-and-run driver who tragically killed two male travellers, identified as Yahaya Suleiman...
A teenager, Soliu Majekodunmi, has confessed to learning how to perform money ritual on Facebook, after which he killed his girlfriend, Sofiyah. Majekodunmi said he searched...
Operatives of the Police Command in Ogun State has arrested three persons for allegedly looting a warehouse belonging to Sky Industry Limited, OPIC Estate, Agbara, Ogun...
Men of the Police Command in Ogun State has confirmed the arrest of one Suleman Kazeem, “a notorious member of the dreaded Aiye cult group” for...
The Ogun State Police Command has arrested 45 kidnappers, armed robbers, car snatchers and fake licence officers. One of the suspects is Ayo Momodu, who referred...