In Umuahia, Abia State, police have arrested a 27-year-old man named Chinalu Ogbonna for the murder of his father for money ritual. Chinalu allegedly strangled his...
An internet fraudster, aka Yahoo boy, has been accosted after he set up plans to use his girlfriend for a money ritual. The young man, identified...
Akeem, a suspected ritualist, has described how he learned to utilize human skulls in money rituals. Police in Ogun State detained Akeem, a married father of...
A 20-year-old boy identified as Ridwan has confessed to the gruesome murder of his biological father, allegedly in pursuit of money ritual. The harrowing incident occurred...
A suspected ritualist has pleaded for help, insisting on keeping his eyes closed against his brother over the effect of ritual. The young man, in a...
Nemesis has finally caught up with a young man who planned to use his girlfriend’s corpse for ritual in Lagos. The Lagos State police command has...
Two suspected ritualists have been nabbed after they were both caught trying to use a woman’s urine for ritual in Benin. Video footage making rounds in...
A ritualist has been placed in Police custody over possession of a human head in Osun State. In a video of concern, a man identified as...