The 52nd Annual GMA Dove Awards were handed out on October 19th in Nashville, Tennessee. The show, under the banner Stronger Together, aired October 22nd exclusively...
Renowned American Gospel Group Maverick City Music Ft. Chandler Moore & Cody Carnes Released a New Single Titled “Firm Foundation (He Won’t)”, Which is a Powerful...
Multi-talented American Gospel Collective Maverick City Music Ft. Cecily Released a New Single Titled “Goodness of God”, Which is a Powerful Song That Will Uplift Your...
TRIBL offers official music video for “Go Tell It On The Mountain” featuring Melvin Crispell III, Chandler Moore & Mav City Gospel Choir. “Go Tell It...
GRAMMY® Award-nominated, Stellar & Dove Award-winning, Maverick City Music offers up a brand new song titled “Joy to the World/ Joy of the Lord,” featuring Naomi...
Contemporary worship music band from Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina Elevation Worship, and Maverick City Music have released a single with the live performance music...