In the aftermath of comedian Ayo Makun’s confirmed split from his wife Mabel Makun, allegations have emerged linking the breakup to the involvement of three prominent...
Mabel Makun, the spouse of renowned stand-up comedian AY Makun, has opened up on the status of her marriage to the comic act. Addressing speculations regarding...
Mabel Makun, the wife of the renowned Nigerian comedian, AY Makun comes forward to raise alarm over a perceived threat to her life. Mabel took to...
Mabel Makun, the wife of famous comedian and actor Ayo Makun a.k.a AY, has resorted to social media to express her dissatisfaction with Nigeria’s present status. She...
Nigerian comedian and filmmaker, Ayo ‘AY’ Makun thanked his wife, Mabel, for all the sacrifices she made towards the birth of their second child, Ayomide. Makun...
Mabel Makun, wife to popular comedian AY and an entrepreneur, has blown hot as she is displeased with the way newborn babies are being sold to...