Following the devastating petrol tanker explosion in Jigawa State that claimed over 100 lives, former presidential candidate Atiku Abubakar has issued a stern call for Nigeria...
A father and his two-year-old son have died in a building collapse that occurred in Madabe village, Buji Local Government Council of Jigawa State, reports....
In a recent development, the Jigawa State Police Command disclosed an unfortunate clash between farmers and cattle herders exacerbating the ongoing Jigawa Conflict in Hayin Kogi...
Amidst the implementation of the Integrated Personnel Payroll Management System (IPPMS) in Jigawa State, approximately 7,800 unverified civil servants face the risk of losing their April...
It seems all the presidential aspirants of the All Progressives Congress will eventually step down for Bola Tinubu as Governor Mohammed Badaru Abubakar of Jigawa State...
A three-year-old boy, Aminu Bukar, who was reported missing in Guri Local Government Area of Jigawa state, has turned up as a corpse. Aminu had been...
Jigawa state government has approved the death penalty for child rapists as prescribed by the child protection law of the state. With this law, anyone convicted...
Garki Local Government area in Jigawa State has resort to immediate withholding of salaries for all the unvaccinated civil servants under the local government payroll. The...
Jigawa State Governor, Muhammad Badaru, has received approval from President Muhammadu Buhari to establish University of Technology in the state. This was announced, on Wednesday, by...
The Head of Service (HoS) in Jigawa State, Alhaji Hussaini Kila, on Thursday, disclosed that Governor Muhammad Badaru has approved the appointment of eight permanent secretaries....
A 40-year old man, Sale Mamman, electrocuted, while cutting firewood from a fallen tree branch on an electric high tension wire. The Spokesman of the Jigawa...