Big Brother Naija reality show star, Chukwuemeka Frodd Okoye, popularly known as Frodd, has let out a new tactic used by street beggars after a young...
Big Brother Naija All Stars housemate, Frodd has claimed to have had a dream that centered on him, Mercy Eke and chef Whitemoney. During a conversation...
Chukwuemeka Okoye, nicknamed Frodd, a Big Brother Naija All Stars housemate, has revealed a childhood asthma attack. On Monday morning, the father of one mentioned this...
BBNaija All Stars housemate, Chukwuemeka Frodd Okoye has exerted his vexation on his colleagues over the disappearance of the meat in Mercy Eke’s food. Mercy Eke...
Big Brother Naija housemate, Whitemoney, in celebration of the moment, composed a song for his colleague, Frodd, after welcoming a bouncing baby girl with his wife,...
Big Brother Naija All Stars housemate, Frodd, has revealed the wonderful news of his daughter’s birth with his fellow housemates in an emotional and heartfelt moment. Becoming the first...
Bbnaija All Star Housemate, Frodd has dished a piece of advised on how to save enough money if they want to get married. The reality show...
Former Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) contestant Chukwuemeka Okoye, popularly known as Frodd, and his wife, Chioma, are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their first child. The...