A devastating incident unfolded at the Auto Parts Market in Coal-Camp, Enugu State, resulting in the tragic loss of a fire officer’s life as he valiantly...
A collapsed puddle trench has killed at least five persons trapped under a heap of sand at Yanlami Village in Bichi Local Government Area of Kano...
A fire outbreak has burnt down shops at the new Lafia Motor Park, Nasarawa State, destroying goods worth millions of naira. The fire incident started on...
The Federal Fire Services in Yola rescued eight persons and saved property worth ₦3.8 billion in 64 fire incidents in the state in 2021, Top Naija...
Nigeria Prisons Service alongside the nation’s Fire Service are set to employ nearly 10,000 Nigerians. While the Prisons will employ 7, 475, the Fire Service will...