The private life of former Equatorial Guinea official Baltasar Ebang Engonga has taken another unexpected turn as a new video involving his wife surfaced online, weeks...
The scandal engulfing Baltasar Engonga, Equatorial Guinea’s former finance chief, has spiraled further, pulling his wife into a web of controversy that has left the nation...
Equatorial Guinea has sacked Baltasar Engonga, its director-general of the National Financial Investigation Agency (ANIF), over his alleged involvement in a sex scandal According to Real Equatorial...
Baltasar Ebang Engonga, often called “Bello,” is a prominent financial official in Equatorial Guinea. He serves as the Director General of the National Financial Investigation Agency...
The Government of Equatorial Guinea has implemented restrictions on WhatsApp, barring citizens from sharing, downloading multimedia files via mobile data. TopNaija News understands that this action...
Equatorial Guinea is characterized by a rich tapestry of cultural diversity, with over 30 ethnic groups contributing to its unique identity. Each group brings its own...
Equatorial Guinea is a nation characterized by a rich tapestry of cultural diversity, which extends into its views on sexuality and gender identity. With over 30...