After Dwayne Johnson’s Black Adam movie underperformed in cinemas, Hollywood movie powerhouse, Warner Bros, has set sights towards promoting its upcoming installment, Blue Beetle; which going...
At one point, we thought Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson’s movie Black Adam was gearing to change the hierarchy of power, but into the International box office...
It’s nearing a week since Hollywood’s newest release; Black Adam came out in cinemas, following the hype train that is Dwayne Johnson’s star power in the...
Tyrese Gibson explains why he has been hounding The Rock over his Fast & Furious spinoff For months now, Tyrese Gibson has been hounding...
Kevin Hart and Wife, Eniko, step out for the first time since Kenzo Three weeks after the birth of their son, Kenzo, Kevin Hart...
Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson and his girlfriend are expecting another baby girl Actor and former pro-wrestler, Dwayne Johnson a.k.a ‘The Rock’ is expecting another...
Newly married American actor, Dwayne Johnson, US actor and former professional wrestler better known as ‘The Rock’, has secured the top spot on Forbes list of...
Dwayne Johnson widely known as The Rock has discussed his own battle with depression. According to The Express, Hollywood’s biggest earner, Johnson, has shared that he too...