In a horrific case in Washington D.C. courtroom, a 13-year-old girl was forced into tears after hearing the devastating details of how she and four other...
A tragic incident unfolded during a safari expedition in Zambia as a bull elephant charged at a safari vehicle, resulting in the death of an 80-year-old...
Bamberg and Hartsville, South Carolina – Warren Peay, a refrigerator repairman and worship leader for Colston Branch Baptist Church, and Preston Duffee, a country singer from...
Two hostages, Olivier Dubois, a French journalist, and Jeffery Woodke, an American aid worker, who were kidnapped by armed groups in the Sahel region of Africa...
Popular Actor and Emmy-winbwe who starred in crime series “Baretta” identified as Robert Blake has died. The public was informed by his daughter, Delinah Blake...
An American hacker ‘in his pyjamas’ has taken down North Korea’s internet in revenge for a cyber attack carried out against him by North Korea’s hackers....