Why you should Spend some Time on a Hobby that truly engages you

If there is one thing that may have the power to positively affect your life, it is the pursuit of a carefully chosen hobby. Your hobby has to be something that speaks to the core of who you are, which probably means it may not be exactly the same thing your friend does. You would not really want to make the time for it unless you love it so it is critical to take the time and find a hobby that fits your personality.

It Will Make You Interesting and Relatable

When people learn about your hobby, it gives them a glimpse of your story and makes you more human. When colleagues or employers find out about your hobby, it gives them something to ask you about and might even introduce them to something new. Often, it prompts them to share their own interests or pursuits, which can help build stronger connections.

It Provides New Creativity

When you are doing your hobby it sparks your creativity.  You are more likely to have creative breakthroughs.  Solutions to problems you are facing will come to you.

It Prevents Burnout

We know that anything doing the same thing over-and-over will eventually burnout.  If you do not take a break to refresh yourself, you too will burnout.  In the same vein, this applies to our personal lives.

It Will Benefit All Parts of Your Life

A hobby is great because it can be enriching, but it can also recharge you. There’s a lot of evidence showing that when we spend time on things we inherently enjoy, it encourages creative thinking. When you give your brain a break from work, you free it up to think creatively about other things, to rest, and maybe to make connections that you might not have seen in the first place. The time you spend on a hobby definitely has the potential to enrich you as a person. It can help you solve challenges or come up with innovative ideas because you gave your brain a reprieve from the office to process.





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