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South Africa hosts Reshaping Oil and Gas through digital transformation



The 2016 Energy Innovation Summit will take place at Gallagher Convention Centre, Johannesburg South Africa on the 10th of November this year, under the theme: reshaping oil and gas through digital transformation.

This event will see leaders and professionals in the oil and gas sector and IT leaders tackle digital transformation and build relationships. Leading companies will share technology solutions and best practices for upstream facilities implementing digital technology. Bridging the gap between the oil and gas industry and ICT, this summit will host an unparalleled networking platform for oil and gas decision makers, policy makers and professionals.

Why this summit?
The energy innovation summit will bring together key decision makers in the oil and energy sector as well as those in IT to discuss how the energy sector can utilize technologies such as cloud, ioT, big data, analytic, mobility and automation to improve operational capabilities, reduce costs and also mitigate against the impact of the oil price volatility. With the price of crude oil falling sharply in the past years, the industry needs to find an optimal way to boost the efficiency and profitably through digital transformation.

This Africa Innovator Roundtable on innovation in energy will bring together executives in the oil and gas sector, senior IT stakeholders, technology service providers as well as related bodies concerned with the future of the oil and gas industry

Who should attend?

CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, Director Generals in Ministries of Energy, Senior Executives from State Owned Enterprises, Policy makers and Regulators, Business Users, Technology Stakeholders: Directors, General Managers, Compliance Officers, National oil companies, independent oil companies and oil field services.

Key topics to be discussed at the event:

  • The Disruptive Impact of Technology In The oil & Gas Sector
  • How will IT guarantee sustainability in the African Oil and Gas Sector
  • Big Data and Cloud Computing: Opportunities in the Oil and Gas sector
  • Securing the Digital Modernization of the Oil & Gas Industry
  • Managing the human aspect of integrating new processes and technology
  • Top challenges facing the IT leader in the Oil & Gas sector
  • Next generation communications for the digital oil and gas field
  • How are our peers in the oil and gas industry using technology to improve performance?

This event is interactive with keynote presentations, interactive roundtable discussions and case studies from leading Oil and Gas CIOs, regulators, experts and technology providers, all sharing their insights and expertise on how technology and innovation will transform the sector.

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