How a smile can change your life

A smile is a beautiful thing. It is a universal symbol of happiness and a force of nature. A smile is one of the most powerful and most underrated gifts that human beings possess. So many of us go through our days dragging our feet, grumbling, lamenting, waiting for someone to cheer us up and we forget that all the while, we have this incredible tool at our disposal to raise our spirits. Smiling is contagious, so is our laughter, and the only thing they cost us is whatever suffering we are holding on to.

Why you should smile.

  1. Smiling can make you happy (even when you’re not).

The simple act of smiling sends a message to your brain that you are happy. And when you are happy, your body pumps out all kinds of feel-good endorphins. So the next time you feel sad or upset, try smiling. It just might make your body and therefore you, feel better.


  1. Smiling makes you more attractive.

Ever wonder why are we always asked to smile in photos? Because people usually look their best, and happiest when smiling. Research has proven that we find others more attractive when they are wearing a smile. So the next time you are about to ask someone on a date, smile. It will make them feel happier,


  1. Smiling can help you de-stress.

When you are stressed about work, do not freak out just yet. Take a few deep breaths and smile. Smiling may help to reduce symptoms associated with anxiety. When that smile signals to your brain that you’re feeling happy, even though you are not really feeling happy yet, your body will usually slow its breathing and heart rate. Reducing stress is so important for health, too, as it can lower blood pressure, improve digestion and regulate blood sugar.


Smile often. Smile at yourself, smile at a loved one and smile at a stranger. Do whatever you love with a smile, knowing that you are spreading love, joy and inspiration.


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