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Six Keys to Entrepreneurial Success



A risk taking business person who initiates an enterprise, who finds a need and fills it, or who simply finds profitable solutions to problems is the one referred to as an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is the art of seeking valuable solutions and answers to problems and difficulties.

What makes a successful entrepreneur or business person is the ability to identify a problem and come up with a solution to it before someone else does. Here are the six proven rules for entrepreneurial success:

1. Locate and Fill a Need

Human needs and wants are always and will always be limitless. From feeding to clothing, shelter and the list goes on. The opportunities for entrepreneurship and financial success are unlimited as long as we can think through these needs and align with one that suits our giftings. The only constraint on the business opportunities available to you are the limits you place on your own imagination.

2. Find a Problem and Solve It

Whenever you find people complaining about a problem, wherever there is a widespread and unsolved customer problem, then know that there is an opportunity for you to start and build a successful business around that ‘problem’. Problems are actually opportunities and wealth in disguise for as many who can close their eyes and jump.

3. Limitless Opportunities and Wealth

Just as there are problems everywhere, so also opportunities abound everywhere. The difference between true entrepreneurs and the ordinary person is in their ability to search out opportunities in every problem. Your job is to find one of these problems and solve it better than it has been solved in the past. Find a problem that everyone has and see if you can come up with a solution for it. Find a way to supply a product or service better, cheaper, faster, or easier. It’s not as difficult as it seems, just use your imagination!

4. Overcome Fear

Fear is a monster made up of invisible molecules. It’s strong and alive for as long as it remains ‘unconfronted’. The major reason for failure is the fear for failure. Don’t be so afraid of failure that you refuse to try; there’s success behind every failure! Things are only impossible for as long as we do not allow our minds to accommodate possibilities. The world was not created with a road network, men built roads. There is no such thing as ‘there is no way’, there is just no way yet; create one for yourself!

Whilst looking for business opportunities everywhere and continually being open and curious about the needs to satisfy and problems to solve, never allow the fear for failure stop you from acting towards your goals. It was Henry Ford who said that, “failure is an opportunity to more intelligently begin”. Let this be your recurring anthem whenever you’re faced with challenges and adversities.

5. Focus on your Customer

It’s been said that one of the major reasons why a business succeed over the other is in the way they deal with customers, because people will always go back to where they were treated best. The key to success in business is to focus on the customer. Become obsessed with your customer. Become fixated on your customer’s wants, needs, and desires. Think of your customer all the time. Think of what your customer is willing to pay for. Think about your customer’s problems. Put yourself in your customers’ shoes and imagine how best you would like to be treated. See yourself as if you were working for your customer. Work towards giving your customers the best quality at the best price possible.

6. Walk Your Way to Fortune

The capital you need isn’t money but a sound idea. Once you have come up with a problem or idea, resolve to invest your time, talent, and energy instead of your money to get started. Most great personal fortunes in the world today were started with an idea and with the sale of personal services. Most great fortunes were started by people with no money, resources, or backing. They were started by individuals who came up with an idea and who then put their whole heart into producing a product or service that someone else would buy. You can also do better because you’ve got more than what it takes. An idea is all you need to make your first million. Take that bold step today.

Unlimited success!

Isaac Oladipupo
