Simple Money Management Tips For People In Their 30s

Thirties is a landmark decade. This is the time when one experiences significant moments in life: existential crises, ticking biological clocks, heightened job dissatisfaction, sexual peak, pre-midlife crisis, and start of real happiness . This is also when one’s career soars to new heights.

Those in their 20s are still grappling with real life. Most of them have just finished their education, just starting out their career path while others are still figuring out what they want to do in life. But breakthrough comes in their 30s. They will have their pay growth peak, creative highs and career highlights. With mental and emotional maturity comes financial maturity as well. So here are a few tips on how people in their 30s manage their money:

Delay pleasure

The 20s is not too peachy for most adults. It’s the decade when adults are still crawling through life. So as soon one jump into his 30s, there is an impulse to purchase stuff that he could not afford when he was in his 20s. But the 30s is definitely the time to delay pleasure. Purchase or invest in stuff one at a time. The biggest investment one may get is a house, which is great. But this is a large purchase. So when one gets a house, perhaps the fancy car can be purchased at a later time. Be mindful of the liabilities you incur along the way.

Cut down on vices

It’s called a vice because it’s not a good thing. And as we age, we have to take care of our health. Vice is not only a health risk; it also puts a dent on your budget.


Another thing you should consider as vice: gourmet meals. It might as well be a vice considering how much it will hurt your savings. Cooking your own meals is actually a nice practice. You can save some money while learning a new skill.

Aspire to be more than you are

You should not be content on simply being an employee. Move up into the world and aspire to be the boss and eventually a business owner. Don’t settle for just a job with great benefits. Be the one to give a job with great benefits. When you’re in your 30s, you should already have the mental state, emotional stability and financial means to take a big risk, which in turns, merit big reward.

Pen a financial plan

There is something definite when a budget is on paper. Somehow, it makes you want to follow through.

Review financial statements

A lot of people throw away credit card or debit card statements. Don’t. Study it. Many times, you buy things and forget about them. When you review your statements, you will realize that a number of purchases were unnecessary. This way, it will be instilled in your mind to avoid such purchase in the future.

Cut off cable

How many hours do you actually spend watching TV? You have work for most of the day and when you go home, part of your time is spent on social media and other forms of entertainment. Think about how much you can save for the whole year without cable.

Being in your 30s implies great challenges. This is the stage of your life when you have to do something dramatic for your future. So face the challenges with passion and vigor. Be driven by your enthusiasm to reach the zenith of financial success. The management tips given above may help you reach your money-related goals in life.

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