Simple key steps to mastering the art of self discipline
Fill your mind with positive information: You must nurture your mind by soaking it with positive and engaging information. Read books, engage in meaningful discussions, avoid negative conversations and people, and listen to soothing and joyful music.
Be courageous: You cannot just pretend that things will be easy for you when you are actually going to struggle and find difficulties. Instead build up courage to face the reality and face the challenges. As you start accomplishing your goals, you will be more self assured and courage would naturally come in you.
Take care of your physical health: You become disciplined from the time you start taking care for yourself. When you treat your body well, it helps you in reaching and accomplishing amazing goals. Eat a healthy diet, get adequate rest, exercise and maintain a moderate body weight.
Prepare written agendas: When you prepare a written agenda and add everything to it, you generate priorities and sticking to your priorities will help you develop self discipline. Writing down helps for you to remember your priority and not miss out anything.
Take small steps: If you are struggling and do not understand how to make small and simple goals, take one thing at a time and work on it.
Set realistic and achievable goals: People make the biggest mistakes by setting goals that are next to impossible to achieve for them, just for the sake of developing self discipline. You need to learn to set realistic goals and set milestones for the long term goals to improve self discipline. It will help you to easily monitor your progress and boosts you up for further goals.
Make a daily checklist: It is helpful to create a daily to do list, to help you exercise self discipline. You never miss a thing in your routine and it helps you to make sure you are doing everything without your mood coming in the way. Ensure each day that you complete each of the mentioned tasks.
Avoid talking about your goals to others: You may be sharing your thoughts with friends and family about your efforts to learn and develop self discipline, so that you receive some encouragement and support. However most of the time people end up talking about negatives and how things cannot work leaving you discouraged eventually. When you feel even slight discouragement, you are bound to fail
Reward yourself on success: You must reward yourself when you become disciplined in a thing and accomplished that goal. Watch a movie in the weekend or treat yourself with a delightful meal. To encourage yourself more, think of a reward that is very stimulating for you and which you would do anything for.
Understand your priorities: You should be able to understand the biggest priority in your life in that moment to help you motivate properly. Contemplate what is important to you in your life and rectify your priorities list.
Get an accountability partner: To gain self discipline it is always good to surround yourself with an environment that will be encouraging you at each milestone. Having a partner with similar goals of learning and mastering self discipline can be beneficial as you both can be accountable to each other. You both can work together to motivate one another and encourage when one is in difficult times or struggling.
Find a role model: There are many people who exercise self discipline successfully. You need to choose someone whose strategies and patterns suits you well and follow that person. Perhaps you may have to modify some of your decisions, but it is always good to have someone to look up to.
Do not beat yourself up when you fail: Never curse yourself or let yourself be swamped with hurtful feelings when you fail in your quest to develop self discipline. There are always bad times and mistakes can happen by any person, no one is perfect. You are only going to learn self discipline when you learn from your mistakes.
Alter your lifestyle: At times it is the lifestyle you follow that comes in your way to self discipline. You will have to make few modifications in your lifestyle like getting less sleep, getting up early in the morning, exercising, eating healthy and doing away with distractions.
Speak to yourself: When you communicate to yourself to boost up your energy, motivate and encourage going on with something, you will help yourself. Standing in front of a mirror to say positive things to yourself is one technique you can never go wrong with
Persist moving forward: You must always persist looking forward and moving in a forward direction. Never look back or take any step backwards. Make all your steps effective in reaching a step forward to your ultimate goal.