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Protests rock U.S College campuses over Israel-Hamas conflict



Protests rock U.S College campuses over Israel-Hamas conflict

The ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict has sparked a wave of pro-Palestinian protests across major American universities, leading to heightened tensions and calls for action from officials.

At Columbia University, where demonstrations initially erupted last week, protesters are standing firm, demanding the severance of ties with Israeli academic institutions and complete divestment from entities associated with Israel. These demands come amidst the backdrop of the escalating conflict.

House Speaker Mike Johnson has called for decisive action, urging Columbia’s president to step down if unable to restore order on campus. While protesters argue they are championing free speech, some Jewish students express concerns for their safety amid the unrest.

Pro-Palestinian protests sweep US college campuses | News |

Elsewhere, tensions flared at the University of Texas in Austin, resulting in over 30 arrests, while nearly 100 protesters were detained at the University of Southern California.

The protests underscore the deep divisions and passionate sentiments surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which reverberate far beyond the borders of the Middle East.
