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Postdoctoral Fellowship in Solid State Chemistry at Technical University Dresden in Germany, 2018



The Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids is inviting applications for Postdoctoral Fellows in Solid State Chemistry. Two pos­i­tions con­cern the thin film growth as main empha­sis and a third one is ded­ic­ated to their ana­lysis and char­ac­ter­isa­tion.

The Technical University Dresden (TUD) is one of the largest “Technical Universities” in Germany and one of the leading and most dynamic universities in Germany. As a full-curriculum university with 18 faculties in five schools, it offers a broad variety of 122 disciplines and covers a wide research spectrum. Its focuses of Biomedicine, Bioengineering, Materials sciences, Information technology, Microelectronics as well as Energy and Environment are considered exemplary in Germany and throughout Europe.

Scholarship Description: 

  • Application Deadline: This call is open up to March 31, 2018, or until the pos­i­tions are occu­pied.
  • Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue Postdoctoral programme.
  • Study Subject: Fellowships are awarded in Solid State Chemistry. in the field of Thin Inter­metal­lic Films of Heus­ler Com­pounds for Spin­tron­ics and Topo­lo­gical Phe­nom­ena.

The Postdoc­toral fel­lows will cover the fields of:

  • Sput­ter depos­ition of inter­metal­lic thin films,
  • MBE layer by layer growth of inter­metal­lic thin films,
  • Char­ac­ter­isa­tion of thin films,
  • Angu­lar resol­ved pho­to­elec­tron spec­tro­scopy

Scholarship Award: Two pos­i­tions con­cern the thin film growth as the main empha­sis and a third one are ded­ic­ated to their ana­lysis and characterization.
You will par­ti­cip­ate in the ongo­ing in-house rese­arch pro­gramme and will be encour­aged to deve­lop your per­sonal rese­arch pro­gramme in emer­ging areas of con­den­sed mat­ter phys­ics and mater­i­als sci­ence.
Our Work­ing Con­di­tions

  • Con­tract of 24 months, renew­able for a fur­ther 12 to 36-month period.
  • The salary will be accord­ing to the con­di­tions of the Ger­man fed­eral labour agree­ment (entry level TVöD-13).
  • The MPI-CPFS is an equal oppor­tun­ity employer and encour­ages diver­sity.
  • Nationality: All nationalities
  • Number of Scholarships: Two positions are available.
  • Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship: 

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.

Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following requirements:

Your Pro­file, Skills, and Exper­i­ence

  • PhD in phys­ics, chem­istry, mater­i­als, or clo­sely rela­ted sci­ence obtai­ned less than 3 years ago,
  • a strong back­ground in thin film tech­niques is essen­tial,
  • Pro­fi­ciency with other com­ple­ment­ary labor­at­ory tech­niques as men­tio­ned above is desir­able,
  • Exper­i­ence with rese­arch at large scale facil­it­ies,
  • Abil­ity to inter­act with multi-dis­cip­lin­ary staff at the bor­der bet­ween phys­ics and chem­istry,
  • Good time man­age­ment skills and abil­ity to pri­or­it­ize,
  • Eng­lish pro­fi­ciency (work­ing lan­guage in the group), Ger­man is of advant­age for com­mu­nic­a­tion with our tech­nical per­sonal.

English Language Requirements: Eng­lish pro­fi­ciency (work­ing lan­guage in the group), Ger­man is of advant­age for com­mu­nic­a­tion with our tech­nical per­sonal is required.


Application Procedure: 

How to Apply: This call is open up to March 31, 2018, or until the pos­i­tions are occu­pied.
Please send your com­plete app­lic­a­tion doc­u­ments to:

Dr Ger­hard H. Fecher
Depart­ment of Solid State Chem­istry
Max Planck Insti­tute for Chem­ical Phys­ics of Solids
D-01187 Dres­den

Scholarship Link


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