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Piers Morgan mocks the 2022 Met-Gala



The Met-Gala drew a lot of reactions yesterday from audiences and personalities alike, with the fashion world being introduced to some array of costuming chosen by notable celebrities for the red carpet show piece.

One man who wasn’t a fan of it, was Piers Morgan himself, who sure didn’t fail to let the world know his mind and the take of the whole occasion which he somewhat took personal to criticize.

Pierce Stefan Pughe-Morgan is an English broadcaster and television personality who currently works on talktv on a show titled Pierce Uncensored. He cuts himself a very opinionated personality who doesn’t fail to let his opinion out in the open no matter the controversy audiences may craft out of it.

And making his opinion known on Twitter about the recent Met-Gala, is one a lot of people didn’t take all too well, not minding the angle he came from with the tweet.

On the tweet, Morgan criticized the chosen theme of the red carpet showpiece as “hideously inappropriate”, tweeting in quote: “This year’s ‘glided theme’ Met-Gala, held amid the backdrop of war, pandemic and ruinous inflation is the most tone deaf, self indulgent, narcissistic, hideously inappropriate ‘let them eat cake’ orgy of vain glorious celebrity bullshit in modern history.”

The tweet can be understood as Morgan having issues with the occasion stylizing its theme on a subject matter that to him mocks the present crisis in the world, terming it insensitive and more about glorifying celebrity egos while shying away from real life revelations.

One thing stands sure for Mr. Morgan though; the fact he has unwittingly raised a flame a few persons may not like to smell.


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