Pastor Kumuyi slams Pope Francis Same Sex Marriage stance

In response to Pope Francis’ recent endorsement of same-sex marriage, Pastor William Kumuyi, the General Superintendent of Deeper Life Bible Church, expressed firm disapproval, citing biblical teachings and Christ’s emphasis on the sanctity of heterosexual marriage.

During a press interview on Wednesday, Pastor Kumuyi highlighted the teachings of Christ that affirm marriage between a man and a woman, asserting,

“The Lord Jesus Christ himself instructed us to teach all nations, emphasizing obedience to His commandments, which firmly establish marriage as between a man and a woman.”

This stance from Pastor Kumuyi follows the Vatican’s disclosure of a new document from its doctrine office, permitting priests to administer blessings to same-sex couples.

However, these blessings are not to be part of regular Church rituals or liturgies, nor are they to be associated with civil unions or weddings.

The Vatican’s document, while asserting the acceptance of all individuals seeking God’s love and mercy without moral scrutiny, clarifies that the approval of blessings for same-sex couples is symbolic rather than an endorsement of irregular situations.

Pope Francis, in a landmark ruling, outlined that these blessings signify God’s inclusive embrace of individuals regardless of sexual orientation.

The document emphasizes that such blessings should be decided on a case-by-case basis, allowing priests to extend the Church’s support to those seeking God’s help through a simple blessing.

This recent development builds upon an earlier letter from Francis to conservative cardinals in October, indicating the possibility of blessings for same-sex marriage under specific conditions, ensuring they do not blur the distinction between the ritual and sacrament of marriage.

While the Vatican’s stance promotes inclusivity and God’s acceptance of all individuals, Pastor Kumuyi’s response underscores a divergence in interpretation of biblical teachings regarding marriage and same-sex relationships.

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